11-3-5 ⓔ文献

  1. 幕内博康,島田英雄,他:まれな食道良性腫瘍および腫瘍様病変の分類と頻度.胃と腸,2008; 43: 255–266.

  2. 吉田武史,高橋正和,他:食道良性疾患.消化器病学 基礎と臨床,西村書店,2013; 545–553.

  3. 有馬美和子,多田正弘,他:消化管の平滑筋性腫瘍,神経性腫瘍,GISTの診断と治療.胃と腸,2004; 39: 539–551.

  4. De Rezende L, Lucendo A, et al: Granular cell tumors of the esophagus: report of five cases and review of diagnostic and therapeutic technique. Dis Esophagus, 2007; 20: 436–443.

  5. Takubo K: Benigh epithelial tumors and tumor–like condition. Pathology of the Esophagus, Educa, 2000; 101–107.

  6. Takubo K: Benigh nonepithelial tumors and tumor–like condition. Pathology of the Esophagus, Educa, 2000; 109–130.

  7. 高木靖寛,岩下明徳,他:まれな食道良性腫瘍および腫瘍様病変の臨床・病理.胃と腸,2008; 43: 279–288.

  8. Kawamura Y: Squamous cell papilloma of the esophagus: report of 17 cases and review of the literature. Esophagus, 2005; 2: 161–164.

  9. Yoshida T, Shimizu Y, et al: Complete disappearance of an esophagogastric polyp with concurrent early–stage adenocarcinoma after administration of a proton pump inhibitor. Endoscopy, 2010; 42: E176–E177.