12-2-2 ⓔ文献

  1. Ito K, Yotsuyanagi H, et al: Risk factors for long–term persistence of serum hepatitis B surface antigen following acute hepatitis B virus infection in Japanese adults. Hepatology, 2014; 59: 89–97.

  2. Miyakawa Y, Mizokami M: Classifying hepatitis B virus genotypes. Intervirology, 2003; 46: 329–338.

  3. Dickson RC, Everhart JE, et al: Transmission of hepatitis B by transplantation of livers from donors positive for antibody to hepatitis B core antigen. Gastroenterology, 1997; 113: 1668–1674.

  4. Uemoto S, Sugiyama K, et al: Transmission of hepatitis B virus from hepatitis B core antibody–positive donors in living related liver transplants. Transplantation, 1998; 65: 494–499.