18-12-6 ⓔ文献

  1. Jeltsch–David H, Muller S: Neurological complications of Sjögren’s syndrome: diagnosis and management. Curr Treatm Opt Rheumatol, 2017; 3: 275–288.

  2. Tajima Y, Mito Y, et al: Neurological manifestations of primary Sjögren’s syndrome in Japanese patients. Int Med, 1997; 36: 690–693.

  3. McCoy SS, Baer AN: Neurological complications of Sjögren’s syndrome: diagnosis and management. Curr Treatm Opt Rheumatol, 2017; 3: 275–288.

  4. Chighizola CB, Andreoli L, et al: The treatment of anti–phospholipid syndrome: a comprehensive clinical approach. J Autoimmun, 2018; 90: 1–27.

  5. Zhang S, Yuan D, et al: Neurological involvement in primary systemic vasculitis. Front Neurol, 2019; 10: 430.

  6. 久永欣哉:ベーチェット病およびその類縁疾患スウィート病における神経障害の病因・診断・治療.臨床神経学,2019; 59: 1–12.

  7. MacLean HJ, Abdoli M: Neurosarcoidosis as an MS mimic: the trials and tribulations of making a diagnosis. Mult Scler Rel Disord, 2015; 4: 414–429.