Introduction to Statistics Using Excel

縄田 和満(著)

縄田 和満(著)

定価 3,300 円(本体 3,000 円+税)

ISBN:978-4-254-12262-6 C3041

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In this textbook, we will learn how to do data analyses using Microsoft Excel. This book summarizes the contents of the lecture in the University of Tokyo. The first edition of this book is written in 1996 in Japanese and 3 major revisions have been done over 20 years. This book is an English Edition of the 4th Edition, the latest one, published in 2020. (However, it is not just a simple translation).

---本書は Microsoft Excel を使ったデータ分析の方法について解説しています。本書の内容は著者が東京大学で行ってきた講義をもとにしており,日本語版は1996年の初版刊行以来20年以上にわたり,3回の改訂を重ねてきました。本書は日本語版の最新版『Excelによる統計入門[第4版]』を英語化したものです(ただし単純な逐語訳ではありません)。


1. Introduction to Excel
 1.1 How to Use Excel
 1.2 Input Data into Excel
 1.3 New Folders, Passwords, and Cloud
 1.4 Data Input Exercises

2. Spreadsheet Work in Excel
 2.1 Calculation of Sums of a Table
 2.2 Calculation of Ratios and Absolute Cell Address
 2.3 Drawing Ruled Lines
 2.4 Copying the Values of Cells
 2.5 Printing the Selected Range
 2.6 Exercise: Calculation of Portions of Regional Population and Population Growth Rates

3. Making Graphs
 3.1 Bar Chart
 3.2 Inserting a New Worksheet
 3.3 Pie Chart and Line Graph
 3.5 Exercises Using World Population Data

4. Inputting a Large Dataset
 4.1 Inputting Population Data of Countries
 4.2 Exercises on Calculating Population Densities and Population Growth Rates

5. Sorting the Data and Obtaining the Data Matching Criteria
 5.1 Sorting the Data
 5.2 Obtaining Data Matching the Criteria
 5.3 Summarizing the Data Matching Criteria Using Database Functions
 5.4 Exercises on Sorting and Obtaining Matched Data Using the Population Data

6 Analyzing the Data of One Variable Using the Frequency Table
 6.1 Frequency Table and Histogram
 6.2 Making a Frequency Table and Histogram Using the Population Data
 6.3 Exercises Using the Population Data of Countries

7. Locations and Scatter Scales of the Distribution of the Variable
 7.1 Locations of the Distribution
 7.2 Scatter Scales
 7.3 Calculation of Locations and Scatter Scales from the Frequency Table
 7.4 Calculation of Locations and Scatter Scales Using the Population Data
 7.5 Exercises Using the Population Data

8. Analysis of Two-Dimensional Data
 8.1 Scatter Diagram and Contingency Table
 8.2 Making a Scatter Diagram and Contingency Table from the Population Data
 8.3 Summarizing the Data with the PivotTablem
 8.4 Calculation of Correlation Coefficient
 8.5 Exercises Using the Countries’ Population Data

9. Macros and User-Defined Functions
 9.1 Making Macro and Running It
 9.2 User-Defined Functions
 9.3 Exercises on Making Macros and User-Defined Functions

10. Probability and Random Numbers
 10.1 Random Variables and Probability Distributions
 10.2 Law of Large Numbers and Central Limit Theorem
 10.3 Making Graphs of the Functions
 10.4 Simulations Using Random Numbers
 10.5 Exercises on Probability Distributions and Simulations Using Random Numbers

11. Estimation and Testing of the Normal Population
 11.1 Point Estimation and Interval Estimation
 11.2 Hypothesis Testing
 11.3 Test of Identity of Two Different Normal Populations (Two-Sample Test)
 11.4 Exercises Using the Population Data

12. Tests of Relationships between Two Variables in Two-Dimensional Data
 12.1 Test of Independence Using the χ2-Test of Goodness of Fit
 12.2 One-Way Layout ANOVA
 12.3 Tests Using the Correlation Coefficient
 12.4 Exercises Using the Population Data

13. Regression Analysis
 13.1 Simple Regression Analysis
 13.2 Least Squares Method
 13.3 Sample Distributions of Regression Coefficients and Hypothesis Testing
 13.4 Simple Regression Analysis Using the Population Data
 13.5 Multiple Regression Analysis
 13.6 Dummy Variables
 13.7 Multiple Regression Analysis Using the Population Data
 13.8 Exercises Using the Population Data






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